Meet the team

Roisin McGlone

IAB%20ASE_1384Roisin McGlone is the Chief Executive Officer of Interaction Belfast.InterAction promotes and develops both inter–community and Inter-Agency dialogue, trust and relationship building. Roisin has worked closely with police, republican and loyalist ex-combatants and has been instrumental in developing and implementing ‘Managing Change’ and a ‘Policing in Partnership’ Process of Trust and Relationship Building. She has been involved with conflict transformation programmes in Croatia, Macedonia and Guyana, America and South Africa.
Roisin was one of two Community Relations nominees on the now suspended Civic Forum and Assistant Boundary Commissioner for Belfast and has graduated as a Master in Philosophy in Reconciliation Studies with the Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin.


Karen McDevitt

IAB%20ASE_1384Karen is the Administrator at Interaction Belfast and is the first point of contact for Visitors and callers to Interaction. Her role can vary from day to day to meet the needs of the organization. Her main roles are dealing with  the administrative and financial aspects of the organisation, arranging  meetings, attending conferences and training by funders. Her role is also to  support the work of the development workers and assist the CEO. Karen has  worked with different community organisations in West Belfast. She has worked with Interaction since October 2012.


Geraldine Hyndman

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Geraldine is the Interface Development Worker for the CNR community at Interaction. In her time at Interaction, she has been involved in the restructuring of the SIF (Springfield Intercommunity Forum), which she hopes will help both communities to co-operate at all times of the year and not just when things get rough. Geraldine has always worked and volunteered in the Clonard/Springfield area. In addition to her work with Interaction, she is also the local outreach youth worker at the Clonard Monastery youth centre and a practitioner at Community Restorative Justice Ireland. She is also actively involved in the local Clonard Residents Association.


Ailish Morgan-Welden

IAB%20ASE_1392Ailish was the 2013-2014 intern at Interaction Belfast. She is a Master’s student at the Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin, which has a cross-border campus in Belfast for students pursuing work in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation. Through ISE, Ailish had a placement with Interaction until August 2014 on various community projects. Ailish is originally from Ottawa, Canada. She has been involved in post-conflict community work in Canada and Guatemala.











