Our mission & values



To challenge the conditions that sustains interfaces by creating a vibrant, diverse and well-resourced community, which is anti-sectarian and interdependent.




We will have a community which will have more contact and activity across our communities where there are joined up, cohesive and equitable approaches to interventions and programs. Vacant and derelict sites have been brought back into positive and productive use creating jobs that are that are accessible across the community and providing safe places for Interaction and use of facilities and services by a Community which is informed, involved and influencing all local decisions.


Our Values


Trust Building is essential to building good community relationship Building relationships is at the core of our work Interdependence is the goal for all communities Human Rights inform every aspect of our work Working partnerships are essential for community engagement.


Our Aims


1. Promote and encourage investment in development of derelict sites on the interface for the benefit of the local community.
2. Promote anti-sectarianism through interventions aimed at opening up discussion and in a context that challenges sectarianism.
3. Monitor and maintain interventions aimed at responding to and helping reduce interface violence.
4. Creating a legacy publication to promote and share the Inter-Action Belfast models.
5. Promoting the work of Inter-Action Belfast in order to build credibility and influence.
6. Continue to ensure good governance of Inter Action Belfast


